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PartnersUniversità di Udine (http://www.uniud.it/) is strongly involved in Research and Technology transfer and its staff is member of several academic and industrial Associations studying themes about ICT and advanced technologies. So it proposes this topic at international level with the aim to encourage and support a stronger relationship with India, which is very involved in such economical phenomenon. Università di Siena (http://www.unisi.it/) is primarily involved in working on core competencies through scientific activities. In this respect, the whole University of Siena has a long-standing involvement in ICT research and technology transfer. ISTI-CNR, Pisa (http://www.isti.cnr.it/) is an institute of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), located in the CNR Research Area of Pisa. ISTI was constituted in September 2000 as a result of a merger between the Istituto CNUCE (CNUCE-CNR) and the Istituto di Elaborazione dell’Informazione (IEI-CNR). The Institute became fully operational in 2002. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (http://www.upv.es/) has relevant experiences in the field of ICT. Its location in Spain, supports easier contacts with an area very involved in use of advanced IT solution for enterprise management and education. Université de Nice (http://portail.unice.fr/jahia/jsp/) was officially established in October 1965. The official founding made it a multidisiplinary university, consisting of the faculty of letters, sciences, law, and economics. In 1989, the University of Nice added Sophia Antipolis to the name to show its relation with the Sophia Antipolis technology park. INRIA, Sophia Antipolis (http://www-sop.inria.fr/) was set up in 1983 at the heart of one of the most important scientific parks in Europe. Today it has premises in Sophia Antipolis, Marseille and Montpellier. The centre’s priority themes are ubiquitous computing (ambient networks, grid computations, security, languages, web) and real-world computations (biomodelling, multiscale analysis, complex forms, environment, inverse problems, medical imaging and robotics). B.M Birla Science Centre (http://www.birlasciencecentre.org/) is a division of the Birla Archaelogical and Cultural Research Centre in Hyderabad which is a registered public charitable institution. It has a wide expertise and knowledge of Indian milieu, with an advanced approach to eductional, research and documentation, as well as a vast experience of collaboration with European countries, and EU projects. Moreover, its location in an developing area of India and its organisational mission provides the network with strong connections to local SMEs and other institutions involved in technology transfer and R&D, such as the Software Technology Parks of India. C-DAC, Hyderabad (http://www.cdac.in/html/about.asp) was established in March 1988 as a Scientific Society of the Department of Information Technology (formerly, Dept. of Electronics), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (formerly, Ministry of Information Technology), Government of India. The Centre is primarily an R & D institution involved in the design, development and deployment of advanced Information Technology (IT) based solutions. Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi (http://www.bitmesra.ac.in/) was established in the year 1955 at Mesra, Ranchi, by B.M. Birla with a vision to be recognized as a world-class learning institution for engineering and technology by providing the highest-quality academic programmes that foster student development and connect knowledge, practice, and outstanding scholarly research. The Institute has been accredited by the National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC) & the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) established by the UGC & AICTE respectively. BIT, Mesra is a "Deemed University" under Sec. 3 of the U.G.C. act 1986. Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai (http://www.imsc.res.in/) was founded by Alladi Ramakrishnan in 1962. The Institute is a national institution for fundamental research in the mathematical and physical sciences, governed by a Board and an Academic Council. The Institute has an active graduate research program to which a select group of students are admitted every year to work towards a Ph.D. degree. IMSc hosts a large number of scientists at the post-doctoral level and supports a vibrant Visiting Scientist Scheme. More information is available under Academic Programmes at IMSc |
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